Terms of Use

WIMO® reserves the right to reject any that do not meet the moral requirements to be part of the community, and insist on breaking the use of the site terms and conditions described herein.

We focus WIMO® to be a safe and pleasant place, but not 100% sure. User need help to make it happen, which includes the following commitments by the same:

  • WIMO® is not a policy tool or advertising of any kind is forbidden to use the site to advertise political parties or commercial use. Advertising communications not be published without permission of the trademark and / or WIMO®.
  • No other information or content users compile or accessed WIMO® using automated means (including gathering bots, spiders, robots, or scrapers) without our permission.
  • You will not engage in unlawful multi-level marketing, pyramid-like, in WIMO®.
  • Your no going to put viruses or harmful code of any kind.
  • By accepting terms and conditions of use WIMO® also you agree that you are of age (18 years old) or that you are over thirteen years under supervision of a guardian over the age (18).
  • You will not solicit login information or direct you to an account belonging to another user.
  • You will not bother, bulling, harass or you reveal the identity of any other user, will not post personal information that compromises your privacy and intimacy.
  • You will not post content that relates hateful language, resulting intimidating, either pornographic, incites violence or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.
  • Do not take any action that could disable, overburden or impair the proper functioning of WIMO® or appearance, as a denial-of-service attack or altering the presentation of pages or other functions.
  • Do not facilitarás fomentarás or breach of this Statement or our policies.

The terms of use of WIMO® conditions apply to all people who use the database to locate; return or find some item within it are, responsibility and security depends entirely on the user, the site is limited to bringing together the relevant parties for the return of a lost item.

The points to be followed as a suggestion to avoid any misuse of the site are as follows:

  • You cannot ask for money, or some kind of compensation for returning a lost item, any event of this nature will be focused to the competent authorities, should an action be brought against the page related to your actions, content or your information, you indemnify us and rid us of liability for all damages, losses and expenses of any kind related to such claim. Although the rules apply here given to all users, we do not control their actions in WIMO® headed and are not responsible for the content or the information that users transmit or share. We are not responsible for any content deemed offensive, inappropriate, obscene, unlawful or unacceptable you can find in WIMO®. We are not responsible for the conduct of any user of WIMO® both on and off site.
  • The privacy is the motto of WIMO® and therefore should not give personal information of any kind that may infer the identity of a user, since before this, the perpetrator will be expelled from WIMO® and if appropriate, It gives rise to the authorities to proceed.
  • The claim any item which is not owner, is a crime and is called THEFT, WIMO® is against this practice and to accept the terms and conditions of use of the site, you allow us to provide your account details (such as IP address) to be requested by the authorities that we require under a court, legal and relevant order any crime that may arise between users within the site.
  • WIMO® strongly recommends that in the case of a return, this takes place in a public place and busy in morning-evening hours, WIMO® not responsible for the actions emanating from the site to be made between people both inside and outside of WIMO®, any minor (18 years) must be accompanied by an adult and is widely recommended to prevent active participation in a return and have contact with strangers.
  • Considering that one of the most unclaimed or lost items are the same as use to communicate with our users, such as mobile phones, tablets, etc., we ask that you have referred to one of the many methods that we make available for it, such as email or social networks.
  • All items have a value for users who lost, please return it as soon as you cannot always threatens your wellbeing.

The user authorizes the publication of any communication that takes place on site for purposes of advertising page, as long as this requires tools within it, the discussions should not contain offensive words, racial or religious discrimination which incite criminal acts or conflicts of interest among users. Referring to that at no time names, emails and phone numbers were published, using only as means of identification enrollment or user ID, WIMO® reserves the right to publish at the discretion of the terms of use and content established.

WIMO® is based on an act of faith in humanity to rescue a little of what culture in general has been lost, so beseech users to make good use of your goodwill and return any found item correctly without receiving any benefits in return but the plain and simple "thank you" from the heart of the owner emanates.

Thanks for your attention and good will!